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How do I feed the Pigeons?


@pigeonwingdance  (last 4 digits: 2737)


Please note that Venmo and PayPal payments are not tax-deductible. 

You may make a tax-deductible donation via our Fiscal Sponsor, The Field.

To donate by check:

– Make all checks payable to “ The Field ” only – there should be nothing else on the payable line.
– Write "Pigeonwing Dance" in the memo line.
– Mail checks directly to Pigeonwing Dance at 603 West 148th St. #2, New York, NY 10031

Pigeonwing Dance is a sponsored artist with The Performance Zone Inc (dba The Field ), a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization serving the performing arts community. Contributions to The Field earmarked for Pigeonwing Dance are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information about The Field , or for our national charities registration, contact: The Field , 2​2​8 P​a​r​k A​v​e S, S​u​i​t​e 9​7​2​1​7, N​e​w Y​o​r​k, N​Y 1​0​0​0​3, phone: 212-691-6969. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained from The Field or from the Office of Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.

Gabrielle Lamb/Pigeonwing are grateful for the past and ongoing support of the following organizations and individuals:

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The Bossak/Heilbron Charitable Foundation


Charles and Deborah Adelman

Angela Alston

Linda and Cecil Barnes

Judy Berry

Paul Boos

Susan and Jeff Campbell

Dana Chang

August Cosentino

Leslie and Richard Curtis

Geoffrey Fallon

Ruth Horowitz

Susan and Skip Lamb

Joshua and Emily Lamb

Claire and Chris Mann

Michael McCanna

Ellen Ruth Levy

David Orr

Jane Weiss

David Schilling

Sarah and Adam Sensenbrenner

Dmitri Shalin

Deirdre Towers

Richard Ward

Nancy Wozny

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